
Tuition & Financial Information

The Xaverian Board of Trustees has confirmed tuition for the 2024-2025 school year at $18,100 per student, and $11,975 for Genesis students, excluding fees.
Xaverian is proud to offer many different types of aid for students and families.  Each year, Xaverian distributes approximately $4.1 million in academic merit-based scholarships and need-based financial aid from our Endowment Fund. Xaverian also offers scholarships to sons/daughters of the NYPD and FDNY.  All of these offerings are outlined below, along with application procedures.  Please note that Xaverian does not offer Athletic Scholarships.
Each family on the high school level pays an additional $250 activity fee per student that includes athletic and intramural memberships, club memberships, and memberships to all groups and organizations. All students also pay an annual Technology Fee of $135.  Incoming freshmen also pay a non-refundable registration fee of $250.

List of 2 items.

  • Activity Fee

    Our Genesis families pay a $275 Activity Fee per student.
  • Regulated by the Board of Trustees

    Tuition is regulated by the Board of Trustees.
Students can receive both Academic and Music Scholarships!
High School Financial Aid Application Details 

Incoming freshmen must submit financial aid applications from October 1st to December 15th, 2024. You must provide a copy of your 2023 filed income taxes. Be sure to follow the instructions listed at right for FAIR application procedure. 

The online application process for all other students (excluding incoming freshmen) will begin on February 1st, 2025 and end on April 1, 2025. You must provide a copy of your 2024 filed income taxes. Be sure to follow the instructions listed at right for FAIR application procedure.

If you have any questions regarding the financial aid application process, please contact the Business Office at (718) 836-7100 x180.

Applications are mailed to an independent processing firm, F.A.I.R. (Financial Aid Independent Review) for analysis. Awards are based on families' need, as it compares to other families' applications. Historically, financial aid grants range between $600 - $3,000 per family and are contingent upon favorable academic and discipline reviews.

This aid is made available through financial contributions to our school's Endowment Fund by alumni, parents, and other supporters. The interest in our Endowment enables us to increase the amount of financial assistance made available to families in need. 
Xaverian offers nearly $1 million in need-based financial aid annually, the largest amount of any private or parochial school in New York City.

List of 3 items.

  • FAIR Application Info

    Xaverian evaluates all requests for financial aid.  

    FAIR Application
    In order for families to apply for financial aid online, they will need the following:
    1. School Code = 132
    2. Password = xhs132
    3. A valid email address
    4. A credit card to complete payment (Visa or Mastercard)
    5. A complete copy of the 2023 Federal Income Tax Return with all schedules and W-2's for incoming Freshman (a copy of the 2024 Federal income tax return is needed for grades 10 -12)
    In order to begin the application process parents should go to and click on the "Parent Login" link. They can then create a user account using their email address and a password that they select. Once they have created a user account and signed in they will be able to complete the FAIR application online.

    Once you have completed the application process, you will receive a confirmation page that verifies FAIR has received your application as well as an email reconfirming receipt (for families submitting paper applications will receive a postcard confirming receipt of your application). The confirmation page and the email will also remind you to submit your tax return to FAIR as soon as possible. 

    For Incoming Freshman Only: Online applications may be submitted beginning October 1, 2024

    Deadline for Application is December 15, 2024
    For current Freshman, Sophomores and Juniors: To re-apply online, Online Applications may be submitted beginning February 1, 2025
    Deadline for Application is April 15, 2025
  • Outside Grants

    The Columbus Citizens Foundations provides scholarships to eligible students of Italian-American descent. Visit for details.

    The Holy Name Society offers scholarships for Catholic High School to the children of NYPD Families. Visit for details.
  • Additional Scholarships for Sons & Daughters of the NYPD and FDNY

    These scholarships are awarded to incoming 9th grade students who demonstrate academic promise, as well as financial need. If there are other circumstances that you believe merit the attention of the administration, please attach a separate letter. All Xaverian students with a parent who is a uniformed officer of the NYPD or FDNY are eligible for an annual $500 tuition credit through the Fortis Fund program. Please call x180 for requirements. The deadline for the Class of 2028 to apply for the Fortis Fund for the academic year 2024-2025 is May 1st.

Frequently Asked Questions

List of 14 frequently asked questions.

  • What is the current tuition at Xaverian High School?

    The Board of Trustees has announced that tuition for Xaverian High School grades (9-12) will be $18,100 for the 2024-2025 school year.
    Tuition for our Genesis Program (6-8) is $11,975 for the 2024-2025 school year.
  • Are school fees included in the tuition?

    All school fees are due by July 1st and are not refundable.

    Incoming students pay a one time only registration fee of $250. 
    Seniors pay a Graduation fee of $300 during their senior year.  
    All Genesis students pay an annual Activity Fee of $275.
    All High School students pay an annual Activity Fee of $250 and an annual Technology Fee of $135
    For detailed information regarding all Xaverian and Genesis fees, please contact the Tuition Office at (7180 836-7100 x180

    Also, as part of Xaverian's Activity Fee,  Xaverian provides a death benefit for all families that covers all future tuition payments, if the parent who pays the child's tuition should pass away while the child is attending Xaverian.  All fees and tuition are annual, and are communicated to all families.
  • Are there any tuition discounts?

    Xaverian High School offers a 1.75% discount to families who pay the entire tuition by July 15th.  There are no discounts for payments received after July 15th. 
    Xaverian High School also offers financial aid and scholarships to qualified students.
  • Who do I call if I have a question about my bills, statements, late payments or payment schedules?

    If you have a question pertaining to your monthly payment plan with SMART TUITION, please contact them directly at 1-888-868-8828, or email
    Contact the Xaverian High School Tuition Office at (718) 836-710 x180 or 182 for all billing questions pertaining to Xaverian High School or Genesis at Xaverian. 
  • What options does Xaverian offer for tuition payments?

    All tuition payments are made directly to SMART TUITION, the tuition processing company for all Xaverian and Genesis students. A monthly payment plan through SMART TUITION allows students and families to break their tuition costs into interest-free monthly payments, rather than pay for the entire year in two lump sums. 


    Although tuition is due on July 1st, Xaverian provides several payment options to all families. 

    Option 1: Annual Plan 
    – Families pay the entire tuition to SMART TUITION by JULY 15th and receive a 1.75% discount off the tuition, less scholarship, and fees. (No enrollment fees)

    Option 2: Semi-Annual Plan - families pay 50% of the tuition to SMART TUITION on JULY 15th and 50% on JANUARY 15th. (No enrollment fees.)

    Option 3: 8 Month Plan: Families break tuition payments into equal installments from September through April. ($45 SMART TUITION administrative fee)

    Option 4: 10 Month Plan: Families break tuition payments into 10 equal installments from JULY through APRIL. ($45 SMART TUITION administrative enrollment fee)

  • Why pay monthly with SMART TUITION?

    A monthly payment plan through Smart Tuition enables students and families to break their tuition costs into interest-free monthly payments, rather than pay for the entire year in one or two lump sums. Simply start with your educational expenses for the school year. Subtract any grants or financial aid, and divide this amount by the number of payments you choose to make. This will be your monthly payment.
  • How do I enroll in Smart Tuition?

    In just a few easy steps you can enroll in your Tuition Pay Plan online. The entire process takes just a few minutes and is totally secure. Enroll online at  (School Code = 10979).
  • How do I apply for financial assistance?

    Xaverian evaluates all requests for financial aid.  

    FAIR Application
    In order for families to apply for financial aid online, they will need the following:
    1. School Code = 132
    2. Password = xhs132
    3. A valid email address
    4. A credit card to complete payment (Visa or Mastercard)
    5. A complete copy of the 2022 Federal Income Tax Return with all schedules and W-2's for incoming Freshman (a copy of the 2023 Federal income tax return is needed for grades 10 -12)
    In order to begin the application process parents should go to and click on the "Parent Login" link. They can then create a user account using their email address and a password that they select. Once they have created a user account and signed in they will be able to complete the FAIR application online.

    Once you have completed the application process you will receive a confirmation page that verifies FAIR has received your application as well as an email reconfirming receipt (for families submitting paper applications will receive a postcard confirming receipt of your application). The confirmation page and the email will also remind you to submit your tax return to FAIR as soon as possible. 
    Deadline for Application is December 15, 2023
    For current Freshman, Sophomores and Juniors: To re-apply online, Online Applications may be submitted beginning February 1, 2024
    Deadline for Application is April 1, 2024
  • Does Xaverian High School offer scholarships?

    Xaverian High School offers academic scholarships to qualified students, as well as music scholarships for those that qualify. Xaverian High School does not offer Athletic Scholarships.

    Genesis does not offer scholarships of any kind.
  • How do I apply for an academic scholarship or a specific grant?

    Families seeking information regarding alumni grants for the sons/daughters of New York City Policeman or Firefighters should contact the Admissions Office at (718) 836-7100 x127.
  • What is Xaverian High School's Tuition, Payment, and Refund Policy?

    The first tuition payment of $500.00 and registration fee of $250.00 are due at the time of registration for incoming students, and are non-refundable.

    All fees and dues are payable directly to Xaverian at the time of registration for incoming students, and are non refundable.

    Refund Policy:
    The entire tuition for all students is to be paid in full by April 1st of the current school year.

    Students who withdraw or are dismissed after the beginning of the school year are responsible for one-eighth of the entire tuition for each month that the student was enrolled from September through April.

    There are no tuition refunds after April 1st of the current school year.

    Transfer, dismissal or withdrawal from Xaverian:

    Withdrawal or dismissal before the first day of school begins:

    Any student who withdraws from Xaverian before the start of the school year is entitled to a full tuition refund, less fees and registration deposits.

    Withdrawal or dismissal during the school year:

    Any student who withdraws during the school year will be responsible for each month’s tuition while attending Xaverian from September through April ($16,900).

    Withdrawal or dismissal after April 1st of the current school year.

    There are no refunds and the entire tuition is due for any student who leaves after April 1st.

    Tuition Liability:

    There are no refunds for school fees.
    • Withdrawal prior to Sept. 15 — No Liability
    • Withdrawal between Sept. 15 and Sept 30. — 1/8 of the entire tuition
    • Withdrawal after October 1st — 2/8 of the entire tuition
    • Withdrawal after November 1st — 3/8 of the entire tuition
    • Withdrawal after December 1st — 4/8 of the entire tuition
    • Withdrawal after January 1st — 5/8 of the entire tuition
    • Withdrawal after February 1st — 6/8 of the entire tuition
    • Withdrawal after March 1st — 7/8 of the entire tuition
    • Withdrawal after April 1st — 100% of the entire tuition

    There are no refunds after April 1th of the current school year, and all tuition and fees are to be paid in full by April 1st.
  • What is the Genesis at Xaverian refund policy?

    The first tuition payment of $750.00 and registration fee of $ 250.00 are due at the time of registration for incoming students, and are non refundable.

    Refund Policy:

    The entire tuition for all students is to be paid in full by April 1st of the current school year.

    Students who withdraw or are dismissed after the start of the school year are responsible for 1/8 of the entire tuition for each month that the student was enrolled from September through April.

    There are no tuition refunds after April 1st of the current school year.

    Transfer, dismissal or withdrawal from Genesis:

    Withdrawal or dismissal before the first day school begins:

    Any student who withdraws from Genesis before the start of the school year is entitled to a full tuition refund less registration and non tuition related fees. Incoming student’s first payment of $1,000.00 for tuition and registration is not refundable.

    Withdrawal or dismissal during the school year:

    Any student, who withdraws from Genesis after September 1st, will be responsible for each month’s tuition (September through April)  while attending Genesis ($11,975) and fees.

    Withdrawal or dismissal after April 1st of the current school year.

    Tuition Liability:

    There are no refunds for school fees.
    • Withdrawal prior to Sept. 15 — No Liability
    • Withdrawal between Sept. 15 and Sept 30. — 1/8 of the entire tuition
    • Withdrawal after October 1st — 2/8 of the entire tuition
    • Withdrawal after November 1st — 3/8 of the entire tuition
    • Withdrawal after December 1st — 4/8 of the entire tuition
    • Withdrawal after January 1st — 5/8 of the entire tuition
    • Withdrawal after February 1st — 6/8 of the entire tuition
    • Withdrawal after March 1st — 7/8 of the entire tuition
    • Withdrawal after April 1st — 100% of the entire tuition

    There are no refunds and the entire tuition is due for any student who leaves after April 1st.
  • What is the school’s policy regarding releasing school records?

    Upon transfer or dismissal from Xaverian or Genesis, the school will not release any school records, with the exception of State Exams (ie: Regents) until all tuition, fees and any other financial obligations have been paid in full.
  • Does Xaverian offer Educational Loans?

    Xaverian does not offer Educational Loans.


Established in 1957, Xaverian is one of thirteen schools nationwide sponsored by the Xaverian Brothers.
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